Round 0

Sheet Date Equipe Stones Equipe
E 2024-10-22 Team 1 0 - 0 Team 2
H 2024-10-22 Team 11 0 - 0 Team 12
A 2024-10-22 Team 15 0 - 0 Team 16
F 2024-10-22 Team 17 0 - 0 Team 18
B 2024-10-22 Team 19 0 - 0 Team 20
C 2024-10-22 Team 21 0 - 0 Team 22
D 2024-10-22 Team 23 0 - 0 Team 24
G 2024-10-22 Team 25 0 - 0 Team 26
E 2024-10-22 Team 27 0 - 0 Team 28
H 2024-10-22 Team 3 0 - 0 Team 4
A 2024-10-22 Team 5 0 - 0 Team 6
F 2024-10-22 Team 7 0 - 0 Team 8

Round 1

Sheet Date Equipe Stones Equipe
A 2025-01-07 On My Guard! 0 - 0 Hit & Slayyyy
D 2025-01-07 The Curling Team 0 - 0 Team Wolf
B 2025-01-07 Three Men & A Lady 0 - 0 Curline Dion
C 2025-01-07 Shooting Blanks 0 - 0 Show Ponies
E 2025-01-07 He's a Biter! 0 - 0 Come Across The Face 2
G 2025-01-07 Tea Baggers 0 - 0 Spice Curls
G 2025-01-07 50 Sheets of Gay 0 - 0 The Jennifer Curlidge's
C 2025-01-07 Brush Sisters 0 - 0 Bonspiel The Tea
C 2025-01-14 Pink Pony Curl 0 - 0 Better From Behind
G 2025-01-14 Slippery When Swept 0 - 0 Broom For Improvement
A 2025-01-14 Come Across The Face 0 - 0 RBD
E 2025-01-14 Evolution Wonderlunge 0 - 0 Thicc Half
D 2025-01-14 BC Fruit JAMM 0 - 0 The Prairiana Grandes
F 2025-01-14 50 Sheets of Gay 0 - 0 Dix n Chicks
B 2025-01-14 Brush Sisters 0 - 0 Sweeping Beauties
H 2025-01-14 On My Guard! 0 - 0 The Jennifer Curlidge's
H 2025-01-14 The Curling Team 0 - 0 Bonspiel The Tea
E 2025-01-21 Slippery When Swept 0 - 0 Better From Behind
G 2025-01-21 Come Across The Face 0 - 0 Pink Pony Curl
D 2025-01-21 Evolution Wonderlunge 0 - 0 Broom For Improvement
C 2025-01-21 BC Fruit JAMM 0 - 0 RBD
A 2025-01-21 50 Sheets of Gay 0 - 0 Thicc Half
F 2025-01-21 Brush Sisters 0 - 0 The Prairiana Grandes
B 2025-01-21 On My Guard! 0 - 0 Dix n Chicks
H 2025-01-21 The Curling Team 0 - 0 Sweeping Beauties
E 2025-01-21 Three Men & A Lady 0 - 0 The Jennifer Curlidge's
A 2025-01-21 Shooting Blanks 0 - 0 Bonspiel The Tea
C 2025-01-14 Three Men & A Lady 0 - 0 Hit & Slayyyy
G 2025-01-14 Shooting Blanks 0 - 0 Team Wolf
F 2025-01-14 He's a Biter! 0 - 0 Curline Dion
E 2025-01-14 Tea Baggers 0 - 0 Show Ponies
D 2025-01-14 Spice Curls 0 - 0 Come Across The Face 2
B 2025-01-21 He's a Biter! 0 - 0 Hit & Slayyyy
F 2025-01-21 Tea Baggers 0 - 0 Team Wolf
C 2025-01-21 Spice Curls 0 - 0 Curline Dion
D 2025-01-21 Come Across The Face 2 0 - 0 Show Ponies
H 2025-01-28 Come Across The Face 0 - 0 Better From Behind
F 2025-01-28 Evolution Wonderlunge 0 - 0 Slippery When Swept
E 2025-01-28 BC Fruit JAMM 0 - 0 Pink Pony Curl
A 2025-01-28 50 Sheets of Gay 0 - 0 Broom For Improvement
D 2025-01-28 Brush Sisters 0 - 0 RBD
G 2025-01-28 On My Guard! 0 - 0 Thicc Half
C 2025-01-28 The Curling Team 0 - 0 The Prairiana Grandes
B 2025-01-28 Three Men & A Lady 0 - 0 Dix n Chicks
D 2025-01-28 Shooting Blanks 0 - 0 Sweeping Beauties
C 2025-01-28 He's a Biter! 0 - 0 The Jennifer Curlidge's
B 2025-01-28 Tea Baggers 0 - 0 Bonspiel The Tea
F 2025-01-28 Spice Curls 0 - 0 Hit & Slayyyy
E 2025-01-28 Come Across The Face 2 0 - 0 Team Wolf
G 2025-01-28 Show Ponies 0 - 0 Curline Dion
D 2025-02-04 BC Fruit JAMM 0 - 0 Come Across The Face
E 2025-02-04 50 Sheets of Gay 0 - 0 Slippery When Swept
H 2025-02-04 Brush Sisters 0 - 0 Pink Pony Curl
C 2025-02-04 On My Guard! 0 - 0 Broom For Improvement
B 2025-02-04 The Curling Team 0 - 0 RBD
B 2025-02-11 BC Fruit JAMM 0 - 0 Better From Behind
C 2025-02-11 50 Sheets of Gay 0 - 0 Evolution Wonderlunge
E 2025-02-11 Brush Sisters 0 - 0 Come Across The Face
D 2025-02-11 On My Guard! 0 - 0 Slippery When Swept
A 2025-02-11 The Curling Team 0 - 0 Pink Pony Curl
G 2025-02-11 Three Men & A Lady 0 - 0 Broom For Improvement
G 2025-02-04 Evolution Wonderlunge 0 - 0 Better From Behind
A 2025-02-04 Three Men & A Lady 0 - 0 Thicc Half
F 2025-02-04 Shooting Blanks 0 - 0 The Prairiana Grandes
A 2025-02-04 He's a Biter! 0 - 0 Dix n Chicks
G 2025-02-04 Tea Baggers 0 - 0 Sweeping Beauties
H 2025-02-04 Spice Curls 0 - 0 The Jennifer Curlidge's
F 2025-02-04 Come Across The Face 2 0 - 0 Bonspiel The Tea
B 2025-02-04 Show Ponies 0 - 0 Hit & Slayyyy
C 2025-02-04 Curline Dion 0 - 0 Team Wolf
H 2025-02-11 He's a Biter! 0 - 0 Thicc Half
E 2025-02-11 Tea Baggers 0 - 0 The Prairiana Grandes
H 2025-02-11 Spice Curls 0 - 0 Dix n Chicks
B 2025-02-11 Come Across The Face 2 0 - 0 Sweeping Beauties
F 2025-02-11 Show Ponies 0 - 0 The Jennifer Curlidge's
E 2025-02-18 Hit & Slayyyy 0 - 0 Bonspiel The Tea
B 2025-02-18 Spice Curls 0 - 0 Thicc Half
C 2025-02-18 Come Across The Face 2 0 - 0 The Prairiana Grandes
F 2025-02-11 Shooting Blanks 0 - 0 RBD
D 2025-02-11 Curline Dion 0 - 0 Bonspiel The Tea
G 2025-02-11 Team Wolf 0 - 0 Hit & Slayyyy
G 2025-02-18 Show Ponies 0 - 0 Dix n Chicks
H 2025-02-18 Curline Dion 0 - 0 Sweeping Beauties
A 2025-02-18 Team Wolf 0 - 0 The Jennifer Curlidge's
G 2025-02-18 50 Sheets of Gay 0 - 0 Better From Behind
E 2025-02-18 Brush Sisters 0 - 0 BC Fruit JAMM
A 2025-02-18 On My Guard! 0 - 0 Evolution Wonderlunge
F 2025-02-18 The Curling Team 0 - 0 Come Across The Face
H 2025-02-18 Three Men & A Lady 0 - 0 Slippery When Swept
B 2025-02-18 Shooting Blanks 0 - 0 Pink Pony Curl
C 2025-02-18 He's a Biter! 0 - 0 Broom For Improvement
D 2025-02-18 Tea Baggers 0 - 0 RBD
H 2025-02-25 On My Guard! 0 - 0 50 Sheets of Gay
G 2025-02-25 The Curling Team 0 - 0 BC Fruit JAMM
D 2025-02-25 Three Men & A Lady 0 - 0 Evolution Wonderlunge
B 2025-02-25 He's a Biter! 0 - 0 Slippery When Swept
F 2025-02-25 Tea Baggers 0 - 0 Pink Pony Curl
E 2025-02-25 Spice Curls 0 - 0 Broom For Improvement
H 2025-02-25 Come Across The Face 2 0 - 0 RBD
F 2025-02-25 Team Wolf 0 - 0 Dix n Chicks
A 2025-02-25 Hit & Slayyyy 0 - 0 Sweeping Beauties
B 2025-02-25 Bonspiel The Tea 0 - 0 The Jennifer Curlidge's
C 2025-02-25 Brush Sisters 0 - 0 Better From Behind
A 2025-02-25 Shooting Blanks 0 - 0 Come Across The Face
E 2025-02-25 Show Ponies 0 - 0 Thicc Half
G 2025-02-25 Curline Dion 0 - 0 The Prairiana Grandes
A 2025-03-04 The Curling Team 0 - 0 Brush Sisters
E 2025-03-04 Three Men & A Lady 0 - 0 50 Sheets of Gay
H 2025-03-04 Shooting Blanks 0 - 0 BC Fruit JAMM
F 2025-03-04 He's a Biter! 0 - 0 Evolution Wonderlunge
B 2025-03-04 Tea Baggers 0 - 0 Come Across The Face
C 2025-03-04 Spice Curls 0 - 0 Slippery When Swept
D 2025-03-04 On My Guard! 0 - 0 Better From Behind
G 2025-03-04 Come Across The Face 2 0 - 0 Pink Pony Curl
A 2025-03-04 Show Ponies 0 - 0 Broom For Improvement
E 2025-03-04 Curline Dion 0 - 0 RBD
B 2025-03-04 Team Wolf 0 - 0 Thicc Half
H 2025-03-04 Hit & Slayyyy 0 - 0 The Prairiana Grandes
C 2025-03-04 Bonspiel The Tea 0 - 0 Dix n Chicks
F 2025-03-04 The Jennifer Curlidge's 0 - 0 Sweeping Beauties
B 2025-03-11 The Curling Team 0 - 0 Better From Behind
F 2025-03-11 Three Men & A Lady 0 - 0 On My Guard!
G 2025-03-11 Shooting Blanks 0 - 0 Brush Sisters
D 2025-03-11 He's a Biter! 0 - 0 50 Sheets of Gay
A 2025-03-11 Tea Baggers 0 - 0 BC Fruit JAMM
E 2025-03-11 Spice Curls 0 - 0 Evolution Wonderlunge
H 2025-03-11 Show Ponies 0 - 0 Slippery When Swept
F 2025-03-11 Curline Dion 0 - 0 Pink Pony Curl
H 2025-03-11 Team Wolf 0 - 0 Broom For Improvement
C 2025-03-11 Hit & Slayyyy 0 - 0 RBD
C 2025-03-11 Come Across The Face 2 0 - 0 Come Across The Face
D 2025-03-11 Bonspiel The Tea 0 - 0 Thicc Half
G 2025-03-11 The Jennifer Curlidge's 0 - 0 The Prairiana Grandes
E 2025-03-11 Sweeping Beauties 0 - 0 Dix n Chicks
D 2025-03-18 Three Men & A Lady 0 - 0 Better From Behind
C 2025-03-18 Shooting Blanks 0 - 0 The Curling Team
E 2025-03-18 He's a Biter! 0 - 0 On My Guard!
H 2025-03-18 Tea Baggers 0 - 0 Brush Sisters
G 2025-03-18 Spice Curls 0 - 0 50 Sheets of Gay
F 2025-03-18 Come Across The Face 2 0 - 0 BC Fruit JAMM
B 2025-03-18 Show Ponies 0 - 0 Evolution Wonderlunge
A 2025-03-18 Curline Dion 0 - 0 Come Across The Face
F 2025-03-18 Team Wolf 0 - 0 Slippery When Swept
D 2025-03-18 Hit & Slayyyy 0 - 0 Pink Pony Curl
H 2025-03-18 Bonspiel The Tea 0 - 0 Broom For Improvement
E 2025-03-18 The Jennifer Curlidge's 0 - 0 RBD
C 2025-03-18 Sweeping Beauties 0 - 0 Thicc Half
A 2025-03-18 Dix n Chicks 0 - 0 The Prairiana Grandes
E 2025-03-25 Shooting Blanks 0 - 0 Better From Behind
G 2025-03-25 He's a Biter! 0 - 0 Three Men & A Lady
D 2025-03-25 Tea Baggers 0 - 0 The Curling Team
F 2025-03-25 Spice Curls 0 - 0 On My Guard!
A 2025-03-25 Come Across The Face 2 0 - 0 Brush Sisters
H 2025-03-25 Show Ponies 0 - 0 50 Sheets of Gay
B 2025-03-25 Curline Dion 0 - 0 BC Fruit JAMM
C 2025-03-25 Team Wolf 0 - 0 Evolution Wonderlunge
H 2025-03-25 Hit & Slayyyy 0 - 0 Come Across The Face
A 2025-03-25 Bonspiel The Tea 0 - 0 Slippery When Swept
C 2025-03-25 The Jennifer Curlidge's 0 - 0 Pink Pony Curl
D 2025-03-25 Sweeping Beauties 0 - 0 Broom For Improvement
G 2025-03-25 Dix n Chicks 0 - 0 RBD
F 2025-03-25 The Prairiana Grandes 0 - 0 Thicc Half
H 2025-04-01 He's a Biter! 0 - 0 Better From Behind
C 2025-04-01 Tea Baggers 0 - 0 Shooting Blanks
A 2025-04-01 Spice Curls 0 - 0 Three Men & A Lady
E 2025-04-01 Come Across The Face 2 0 - 0 The Curling Team
F 2025-04-01 Show Ponies 0 - 0 On My Guard!
D 2025-04-01 Curline Dion 0 - 0 Brush Sisters
F 2025-04-08 Hit & Slayyyy 0 - 0 Brush Sisters
G 2025-04-08 Bonspiel The Tea 0 - 0 50 Sheets of Gay
C 2025-04-08 The Jennifer Curlidge's 0 - 0 BC Fruit JAMM
B 2025-04-01 Team Wolf 0 - 0 50 Sheets of Gay
G 2025-04-01 Hit & Slayyyy 0 - 0 BC Fruit JAMM
H 2025-04-01 Bonspiel The Tea 0 - 0 Evolution Wonderlunge
D 2025-04-01 The Jennifer Curlidge's 0 - 0 Come Across The Face
G 2025-04-01 Sweeping Beauties 0 - 0 Slippery When Swept
E 2025-04-01 Dix n Chicks 0 - 0 Pink Pony Curl
B 2025-04-01 The Prairiana Grandes 0 - 0 Broom For Improvement
A 2025-04-01 Thicc Half 0 - 0 RBD
A 2025-04-08 Tea Baggers 0 - 0 Better From Behind
D 2025-04-08 Spice Curls 0 - 0 He's a Biter!
B 2025-04-08 Come Across The Face 2 0 - 0 Shooting Blanks
C 2025-04-08 Show Ponies 0 - 0 Three Men & A Lady
E 2025-04-08 Curline Dion 0 - 0 The Curling Team
H 2025-04-08 Team Wolf 0 - 0 On My Guard!
A 2025-04-08 Sweeping Beauties 0 - 0 Evolution Wonderlunge
G 2025-04-08 Dix n Chicks 0 - 0 Come Across The Face
D 2025-04-08 The Prairiana Grandes 0 - 0 Slippery When Swept
E 2025-04-08 Thicc Half 0 - 0 Pink Pony Curl
F 2025-04-08 RBD 0 - 0 Broom For Improvement
F 2025-04-15 Spice Curls 0 - 0 Better From Behind
G 2025-04-15 Come Across The Face 2 0 - 0 Tea Baggers
C 2025-04-15 Show Ponies 0 - 0 He's a Biter!
D 2025-04-15 Curline Dion 0 - 0 Shooting Blanks
E 2025-04-15 Team Wolf 0 - 0 Three Men & A Lady
H 2025-04-15 Hit & Slayyyy 0 - 0 The Curling Team
A 2025-04-15 Bonspiel The Tea 0 - 0 On My Guard!
B 2025-04-15 The Jennifer Curlidge's 0 - 0 Brush Sisters
F 2025-04-15 Sweeping Beauties 0 - 0 50 Sheets of Gay
D 2025-04-15 Dix n Chicks 0 - 0 BC Fruit JAMM
H 2025-04-15 The Prairiana Grandes 0 - 0 Evolution Wonderlunge
G 2025-04-15 Thicc Half 0 - 0 Come Across The Face
B 2025-04-15 RBD 0 - 0 Slippery When Swept
A 2025-04-15 Broom For Improvement 0 - 0 Pink Pony Curl
F 2025-04-22 Come Across The Face 2 0 - 0 Better From Behind
D 2025-04-22 Show Ponies 0 - 0 Spice Curls
H 2025-04-22 Curline Dion 0 - 0 Tea Baggers
A 2025-04-22 Team Wolf 0 - 0 He's a Biter!
E 2025-04-22 Hit & Slayyyy 0 - 0 Shooting Blanks
C 2025-04-22 Bonspiel The Tea 0 - 0 Three Men & A Lady
G 2025-04-22 The Jennifer Curlidge's 0 - 0 The Curling Team
B 2025-04-22 Sweeping Beauties 0 - 0 On My Guard!
D 2025-04-22 Dix n Chicks 0 - 0 Brush Sisters
A 2025-04-22 The Prairiana Grandes 0 - 0 50 Sheets of Gay
F 2024-10-22 Hit & Slayyyy 0 - 0 Tea Baggers
B 2024-10-22 Bonspiel The Tea 0 - 0 He's a Biter!
C 2024-10-22 The Jennifer Curlidge's 0 - 0 Shooting Blanks
D 2024-10-22 Sweeping Beauties 0 - 0 Three Men & A Lady
G 2024-10-22 Dix n Chicks 0 - 0 The Curling Team
E 2024-10-22 The Prairiana Grandes 0 - 0 On My Guard!
H 2024-10-22 Thicc Half 0 - 0 Brush Sisters
A 2024-10-22 RBD 0 - 0 50 Sheets of Gay
F 2024-10-22 Broom For Improvement 0 - 0 BC Fruit JAMM
E 2024-10-22 Show Ponies 0 - 0 Better From Behind
H 2024-10-22 Curline Dion 0 - 0 Come Across The Face 2
A 2024-10-22 Team Wolf 0 - 0 Spice Curls
B 2024-10-22 Pink Pony Curl 0 - 0 Evolution Wonderlunge
C 2024-10-22 Slippery When Swept 0 - 0 Come Across The Face
D 2024-10-29 Curline Dion 0 - 0 Better From Behind
H 2024-10-29 Team Wolf 0 - 0 Show Ponies
E 2024-10-29 Hit & Slayyyy 0 - 0 Come Across The Face 2
F 2024-10-29 Bonspiel The Tea 0 - 0 Spice Curls
A 2024-10-29 The Jennifer Curlidge's 0 - 0 Tea Baggers
C 2024-10-29 Sweeping Beauties 0 - 0 He's a Biter!
B 2024-10-29 Dix n Chicks 0 - 0 Shooting Blanks
G 2024-10-29 The Prairiana Grandes 0 - 0 Three Men & A Lady
A 2024-10-29 Thicc Half 0 - 0 The Curling Team
H 2024-10-29 RBD 0 - 0 On My Guard!
E 2024-10-29 Broom For Improvement 0 - 0 Brush Sisters
C 2024-10-29 Pink Pony Curl 0 - 0 50 Sheets of Gay
B 2024-10-29 Slippery When Swept 0 - 0 BC Fruit JAMM
F 2024-10-29 Come Across The Face 0 - 0 Evolution Wonderlunge
B 2024-11-05 Team Wolf 0 - 0 Better From Behind
A 2024-11-05 Hit & Slayyyy 0 - 0 Curline Dion
B 2025-04-22 Thicc Half 0 - 0 BC Fruit JAMM
G 2025-04-22 RBD 0 - 0 Evolution Wonderlunge
E 2025-04-22 Broom For Improvement 0 - 0 Come Across The Face
H 2025-04-22 Pink Pony Curl 0 - 0 Slippery When Swept
C 2024-11-05 Bonspiel The Tea 0 - 0 Show Ponies
F 2024-11-05 The Jennifer Curlidge's 0 - 0 Come Across The Face 2
G 2024-11-05 Sweeping Beauties 0 - 0 Spice Curls
H 2024-11-05 Dix n Chicks 0 - 0 Tea Baggers
D 2024-11-05 The Prairiana Grandes 0 - 0 He's a Biter!
E 2024-11-05 Thicc Half 0 - 0 Shooting Blanks
E 2024-11-05 RBD 0 - 0 Three Men & A Lady
H 2024-11-05 Broom For Improvement 0 - 0 The Curling Team
A 2024-11-05 Pink Pony Curl 0 - 0 On My Guard!
F 2024-11-05 Slippery When Swept 0 - 0 Brush Sisters
B 2024-11-05 Come Across The Face 0 - 0 50 Sheets of Gay
C 2024-11-05 Evolution Wonderlunge 0 - 0 BC Fruit JAMM
E 2024-11-12 Bonspiel The Tea 0 - 0 Team Wolf
H 2024-11-12 Hit & Slayyyy 0 - 0 Better From Behind
G 2024-11-12 The Jennifer Curlidge's 0 - 0 Curline Dion
A 2024-11-12 Sweeping Beauties 0 - 0 Show Ponies
D 2024-11-12 Dix n Chicks 0 - 0 Come Across The Face 2
B 2024-11-12 The Prairiana Grandes 0 - 0 Spice Curls
C 2024-11-12 Thicc Half 0 - 0 Tea Baggers
F 2024-11-12 RBD 0 - 0 He's a Biter!
A 2024-11-12 Broom For Improvement 0 - 0 Shooting Blanks
F 2024-11-12 Pink Pony Curl 0 - 0 Three Men & A Lady
E 2024-11-12 Slippery When Swept 0 - 0 The Curling Team
D 2024-11-12 Come Across The Face 0 - 0 On My Guard!
G 2024-11-12 Evolution Wonderlunge 0 - 0 Brush Sisters
H 2024-11-12 BC Fruit JAMM 0 - 0 50 Sheets of Gay
F 2024-11-19 Sweeping Beauties 0 - 0 Team Wolf
E 2024-11-19 Dix n Chicks 0 - 0 Curline Dion
H 2024-11-19 The Prairiana Grandes 0 - 0 Show Ponies
G 2024-11-19 Thicc Half 0 - 0 Come Across The Face 2
C 2024-11-19 RBD 0 - 0 Spice Curls
B 2024-11-19 Broom For Improvement 0 - 0 Tea Baggers
A 2024-11-19 Bonspiel The Tea 0 - 0 Better From Behind
D 2024-11-19 The Jennifer Curlidge's 0 - 0 Hit & Slayyyy
E 2024-11-19 Pink Pony Curl 0 - 0 He's a Biter!
H 2024-11-19 Slippery When Swept 0 - 0 Shooting Blanks
A 2024-11-19 Come Across The Face 0 - 0 Three Men & A Lady
D 2024-11-19 Evolution Wonderlunge 0 - 0 The Curling Team
G 2024-11-19 BC Fruit JAMM 0 - 0 On My Guard!
F 2024-11-19 50 Sheets of Gay 0 - 0 Brush Sisters
E 2024-11-26 The Jennifer Curlidge's 0 - 0 Better From Behind
H 2024-11-26 Sweeping Beauties 0 - 0 Bonspiel The Tea
C 2024-11-26 Dix n Chicks 0 - 0 Hit & Slayyyy
A 2024-11-26 The Prairiana Grandes 0 - 0 Team Wolf
F 2024-11-26 Thicc Half 0 - 0 Curline Dion
B 2024-11-26 RBD 0 - 0 Show Ponies
G 2024-11-26 Broom For Improvement 0 - 0 Come Across The Face 2
D 2024-11-26 Pink Pony Curl 0 - 0 Spice Curls
D 2024-11-26 Slippery When Swept 0 - 0 Tea Baggers
H 2024-11-26 Come Across The Face 0 - 0 He's a Biter!
C 2024-11-26 50 Sheets of Gay 0 - 0 The Curling Team
B 2024-11-26 Brush Sisters 0 - 0 On My Guard!
F 2024-12-03 Sweeping Beauties 0 - 0 Better From Behind
H 2024-12-03 Dix n Chicks 0 - 0 The Jennifer Curlidge's
E 2024-12-03 The Prairiana Grandes 0 - 0 Bonspiel The Tea
B 2024-12-03 Thicc Half 0 - 0 Hit & Slayyyy
E 2024-11-26 Evolution Wonderlunge 0 - 0 Shooting Blanks
A 2024-11-26 BC Fruit JAMM 0 - 0 Three Men & A Lady
D 2024-12-03 RBD 0 - 0 Team Wolf
C 2024-12-03 Broom For Improvement 0 - 0 Curline Dion
G 2024-12-03 Pink Pony Curl 0 - 0 Show Ponies
A 2024-12-03 Slippery When Swept 0 - 0 Come Across The Face 2
E 2024-12-03 Come Across The Face 0 - 0 Spice Curls
H 2024-12-03 Evolution Wonderlunge 0 - 0 Tea Baggers
A 2024-12-03 BC Fruit JAMM 0 - 0 He's a Biter!
D 2024-12-03 50 Sheets of Gay 0 - 0 Shooting Blanks
C 2024-12-03 Brush Sisters 0 - 0 Three Men & A Lady
F 2024-12-03 On My Guard! 0 - 0 The Curling Team
A 2024-12-10 Dix n Chicks 0 - 0 Better From Behind
C 2024-12-10 The Prairiana Grandes 0 - 0 Sweeping Beauties
D 2024-12-10 Thicc Half 0 - 0 The Jennifer Curlidge's
G 2024-12-10 RBD 0 - 0 Bonspiel The Tea
E 2024-12-10 Broom For Improvement 0 - 0 Hit & Slayyyy
H 2024-12-10 Pink Pony Curl 0 - 0 Team Wolf
B 2024-12-10 Slippery When Swept 0 - 0 Curline Dion
F 2024-12-10 Come Across The Face 0 - 0 Show Ponies
A 2024-12-10 Evolution Wonderlunge 0 - 0 Come Across The Face 2
H 2024-12-10 BC Fruit JAMM 0 - 0 Spice Curls
E 2024-12-10 50 Sheets of Gay 0 - 0 Tea Baggers
D 2024-12-10 Brush Sisters 0 - 0 He's a Biter!
F 2024-12-17 Thicc Half 0 - 0 Dix n Chicks
E 2024-12-17 RBD 0 - 0 Sweeping Beauties
B 2024-12-17 Broom For Improvement 0 - 0 The Jennifer Curlidge's
D 2024-12-17 Pink Pony Curl 0 - 0 Bonspiel The Tea
G 2024-12-17 Slippery When Swept 0 - 0 Hit & Slayyyy
C 2024-12-17 Come Across The Face 0 - 0 Team Wolf
A 2024-12-17 Evolution Wonderlunge 0 - 0 Curline Dion
D 2024-12-17 BC Fruit JAMM 0 - 0 Show Ponies
B 2024-12-17 50 Sheets of Gay 0 - 0 Come Across The Face 2
A 2024-12-17 Brush Sisters 0 - 0 Spice Curls
C 2024-12-17 On My Guard! 0 - 0 Tea Baggers
G 2024-12-17 The Curling Team 0 - 0 He's a Biter!
H 2024-12-17 Three Men & A Lady 0 - 0 Shooting Blanks
F 2024-12-10 On My Guard! 0 - 0 Shooting Blanks
B 2024-12-10 The Curling Team 0 - 0 Three Men & A Lady
C 2024-12-24 Thicc Half 0 - 0 Better From Behind
F 2024-12-24 RBD 0 - 0 The Prairiana Grandes
D 2024-12-24 Broom For Improvement 0 - 0 Dix n Chicks
H 2024-12-17 The Prairiana Grandes 0 - 0 Better From Behind
B 2024-12-24 Pink Pony Curl 0 - 0 Sweeping Beauties
A 2024-12-24 Slippery When Swept 0 - 0 The Jennifer Curlidge's
G 2024-12-24 Come Across The Face 0 - 0 Bonspiel The Tea
H 2024-12-24 Evolution Wonderlunge 0 - 0 Hit & Slayyyy
E 2024-12-24 BC Fruit JAMM 0 - 0 Team Wolf
H 2024-12-24 50 Sheets of Gay 0 - 0 Curline Dion
A 2024-12-24 Brush Sisters 0 - 0 Show Ponies
C 2024-12-24 On My Guard! 0 - 0 Come Across The Face 2
E 2024-12-24 The Curling Team 0 - 0 Spice Curls
F 2024-12-24 Three Men & A Lady 0 - 0 Tea Baggers
G 2024-12-24 Shooting Blanks 0 - 0 He's a Biter!
G 2024-12-31 RBD 0 - 0 Better From Behind
H 2024-12-31 Broom For Improvement 0 - 0 Thicc Half
A 2024-12-31 Pink Pony Curl 0 - 0 The Prairiana Grandes
C 2024-12-31 Slippery When Swept 0 - 0 Dix n Chicks
E 2024-12-31 Come Across The Face 0 - 0 Sweeping Beauties
B 2024-12-31 Evolution Wonderlunge 0 - 0 The Jennifer Curlidge's
F 2024-12-31 BC Fruit JAMM 0 - 0 Bonspiel The Tea
D 2024-12-31 50 Sheets of Gay 0 - 0 Hit & Slayyyy
G 2024-12-31 Brush Sisters 0 - 0 Team Wolf
E 2024-12-31 On My Guard! 0 - 0 Curline Dion
F 2024-12-31 The Curling Team 0 - 0 Show Ponies
H 2024-12-31 Three Men & A Lady 0 - 0 Come Across The Face 2
B 2024-12-31 Shooting Blanks 0 - 0 Spice Curls
A 2024-12-31 He's a Biter! 0 - 0 Tea Baggers
F 2025-01-07 Broom For Improvement 0 - 0 Better From Behind
H 2025-01-07 Pink Pony Curl 0 - 0 RBD
D 2025-01-07 Slippery When Swept 0 - 0 Thicc Half
B 2025-01-07 Come Across The Face 0 - 0 The Prairiana Grandes
E 2025-01-07 Evolution Wonderlunge 0 - 0 Dix n Chicks
A 2025-01-07 BC Fruit JAMM 0 - 0 Sweeping Beauties