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50e tournoi internatio...
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Round 6 - General
Round 6 - Finales
Round 5 - General
Round 5 - 1 à 20
Round 5 - 21 à 40
Round 5 - 41 à 60
Round 4 - General
Round 4 - 1 to 10
Round 4 - 21 to 30
Round 4 - 31 to 40
Round 4 - 41 to 50
Round 4 - 11 à 20
Round 3 - 1 to 10
Round 3 - 11 to 20
Round 3 - 21 to 30
Round 3 - 31 to 40
Round 3 - 41 to 50
Round 2 - General
Round 2 - A
Round 2 - B
Round 2 - C
Round 2 - D
Round 2 - E
Round 1 - A
Round 1 - B
Round 1 - C
Round 1 - D
Round 1 - E
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50e tournoi international de Neuchâtel
Lista drużyn
Data Protection Notice
In conformance with recent data protection regulations in several countries, player names are only visible to the tournament organizer.
Number of registered teams: 50
Ajoie (Raetz)
Albertville (Morard)
Besançon (Pernin)
CCLO Riv'Reines (Meier)
Canada 1 (Richard)
Canada 2 (Farfadets)
Château d'Oex (Nicolier)
Contamines Op'Traken (Lafanachère)
Contamines Roselette (Curdel)
Draghi Torino (Marten)
England (Reed)
Fribourg-Guin (Tschümperlin)
Genève Sibérie (G. Brunner)
Genève Vieux-Chêne (Chauffat)
Glaris (Bamert)
Gourock 1 (McCall)
Gourock 2 (Burnie)
Gourock 3 (Canata)
Haut-Jura (Arbez)
Lausanne Olympique (Artico)
Les 4 Pingouins de Magadasierre (F. Apothéloz)
Les Bubulles (Matti)
Les Ponts-de-Martel (Ducommun)
Leukerbad (Zumhofen)
Leysin (Lehmann)
Lugano (Albonico)
Lully Genève 1 (Razafimahefa)
Lully Genève 2
Magnano (Carrera)
Margarita (Fischer)
Master Distiller Curlers (J. Brunner)
Mont Blanc (Benier)
Neuchâtel 7/2 dépareillés (G.Vuille)
Neuchâtel AIP (Perfetti)
Neuchâtel Age de Glace (P. Vuille)
Neuchâtel Club House (Dubois)
Neuchâtel Gogogo (Pigeon)
Neuchâtel Lance Pierre (Mussi)
Neuchâtel Les Jujus (Bliggenstorfer)
Neuchâtel-Champéry (Porret)
Numero Uno (C. Apothéloz)
Puigcerda (Silvia)
Scots Wha Ha' (Hood)
Sion Desperate Icewives (Pannatier)
Sporting L'Olla (Lorente)
Swiss Cocktail (Delèze)
Viry-Châtillon (Muller)
Watch-City Bienne (Hirt)
Zoug (Hess)